Admissions » The Boston Hockey Academy at NDA » BHA Attendance Expectations

BHA Attendance Expectations

NDA’s absence policy states that students who are absent from or tardy to a class ten times a semester will necessitate a meeting to determine whether or not the course needs to be repeated. The Academy understands that BHA students will exceed these absences during hockey season as approved and scheduled by BHA and NDA.  

Absences (excluding illness/injury) for showcases and extended vacations beyond the regularly scheduled hockey season must be approved by the BHA program. Parents will contact Coach Lizzotte with dates of departure and return and reason for absence at least one week in advance. BHA will consult with NDA and the student will be given a decision.  Please note students will be responsible for all work missed during their absence. When possible, students should assess their work through Veracross and/or Google Classroom and keep up in real time.  For work that does need to be made up, the makeup timeframe for missed work is in the Student Handbook.

Students who are not planning to return to BHA for the 25-26 hockey season and school year may request BHA and NDA to withdraw by March 3, 2025. These students will receive a transcript with 1st semester grades. 

If you plan to take your student out of the program when the hockey season ends (March 3, 2025)  then it is your responsibility to make a second semester plan for your student. NDA does not provide online course options for students.  The student/parent/guardian will be responsible for finding a school or online program that will provide the second half (.5 credits) for each course. Parents must inform BHA of their plans and then contact NDA with a transcript request. It will be at the discretion of the receiving school what credits, if any, will be accepted.

The last day of school is June 12, 2025. Students are expected to be present until that date. 

Questions regarding these expectations may be directed to Jon Lizzotte, Head Coach, 16U at Boston Hockey Academy ([email protected]), Shavonne Leacy, BHA Director of Girl’s Hockey ([email protected]), or Pam Bernazani, Dean of Students, at the Academy of Notre Dame ([email protected])